Day by day God added many to the number of the saved. They had their meals from house to house, eating their food with gladness and simple-heartedness, praising God and having the good-will of all the people. We must be willing to give everything to the One who is absolutely trustworthy.Children's BibleBy agreement the believers met together daily in the Temple. What can we learn from Peter, John, and the lame man? Sometimes we hold out our prayers and ask from something little when God has something much bigger and better in mind for us. Sometimes because of our own sin choices, we come to God with nothing and all we can do is offer ourselves….and that is what He wants. God is the only One who is completely faithful. When we surrender to God, we are telling Him that He is in totally charge. We don’t know what He is going to do when we come to Him with our prayers, but we CAN trust Him completely. But in reality, everything we have belongs to God. It was risky to trade the quarter and $1 bill. What did the lame man have to lose? (Allow for answers, but probably nothing.)

If there is anything else I can do, please let me know.”

However, what if you said: “ Lord, please help me to be a better friend to (name). What if instead of asking God to do something specific, we give Him the issue and asked Him to handle it His way? For example, perhaps you ask God to help you be a better friend to someone. But what if it isn’t God’s best for us? Should we pray differently? Whatever it might be that we ask from God is fine. Perhaps someone is bothering you at school. Perhaps, you want to be able to read better, or work math problems better. There are times when we pray to God asking Him for something that would improve our lives or the lives of people we love. The lame man was seeking something better than what he had.īut God wanted to give the lame man what was best for him: healing. In the name of Jesus, Peter healed the lame man. He taught about the Old Testament, Jesus, Jesus dying and being raised from the dead.

Peter noticed how all of the people were in awe and he started to preach just as he did on the day of Pentecost. He had sat in that begging place for years and now he was healed! The man was so overjoyed that he went walking and leaping and praising God all the way into the temple with Peter and John.Įveryone around knew who the lame man was and praised God with him. What Peter gave, what GOD gave, was something that was BEST! After being healed, he lame man could walk, fend for himself, get a job, and do everything any other person could do. Peter could have given him a few coins, maybe enough for dinner that night, but then the next day the man would be begging again. The lame man wanted something better than he had. The bible says that strength came immediately to his feet! In the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and WALK!” And Peter grabbed the hand of the lame man and pulled him to his feet. Peter continued, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I will give to you.